Pelitehtävien (karttojen) lista
Nämä kuvaukset ovat lyhennettyjä alkuperäisistä. Pelissä olevat kuvaukset ovat paljon laajempia ja tarkempia!
These missions' descriptions are here on display for the purpose of initial familiarization only. The descriptions in the actual game are much larger and much more detailed!
Finnish campaign
- Lead Squall
- Flaming Border (Lipola, Nirkkola, Palkeala).
30th November, 1939. The early days of the conflict saw heavy fighting around the Mannerheim line.
- Defending Taipale.
Two days after the outbreak of war, advance units of the RKKA (Workers' and Peasants' Red Army) regrouped after taking the settlement of Metsäpirtti and reached the river Taipale. Elements of the 49th Division of the RKKA were resisted by the Finnish 10th Infantry Division. The engagement began on the morning of December 6th 1939 after Soviet troops, following a powerful artillery preparation, approached the farmstead at Neosaari - the last populated area on the right bank of the river that was under Finnish control...
--> Lue miten tämä karttatehtävä luotiin
- Bloody Influx (Muolaa).
December 14th and 15th saw heavy fighting along the Mannerheim line. Elements of the 7th Army of the RKKA conducted numerous reconnaissance-in-force missions, probing for the location and layout of Finnish weapon emplacements. The offensive between lakes Äyräpäänjärvi and Muolaanlampi, attempt to cross the Punnusjoki river, offensive toward Muolaa and Paakkila, the battle for the southern outskirts of the village of Kyyrölä.
- "A Stupid Butting of Heads" - "Hölmön tölväys".
On December 11th the proposal by General Harald Öhquist's, the commander of the Finnish II Corps on the Karelian Isthmus, for a counteroffensive in the western Isthmus was rejected by Marshal Mannerheim, whose view was that the Finnish troops were too widely separated at the time. The Marshal reconsidered his decision as a result of the fierce fighting in Summa and granted approval on December 22nd, agreeing to the allocation of the fresh 6th Division for Öhquist's counterattack. H-Hour for the attack was 06:30 on December 23rd. The Sixth launched their attack in the area between lakes Muolaanjärvi and Kaukjärvi, interposed in the line between the Fourth and Fifth divisions, with the objective of destroying the large number of RKKA forces in the region.
- Freedom or Death!
- The Icy Shield of Finland (Salla).
The Finnish High Command did not expect that the Soviets would begin an offensive in the sparsely populated regions north of Ladoga Lake. This sector of the front, covering some 800 kilometres, was under the control of the "Northern Finland" command group. Facing this group was the 9th Army under Corps Command P. Dukhanov whose objective was Suomussalmi-Oulu, which would cut Finland at the waist and open the way to the Gulf of Bothnia.
- Sausage War.
The Soviet 139th Rifle Division were ordered to ensure the safety of the northern flanks of the 168th Division and to attack the Finnish units defending Kollaa from the rear.
On December 10th the division began their offensive across their entire front. However, the Finns succeeded in attacking the division from the east and lodged themselves into the enemies rear positions. One of the Red Army battalions destroyed in this assault were surprised as they fed themselves from a captured Finnish field kitchen and many soldiers died with pieces of Finnish sausage still in their mouths... The fate of these Russian soldiers led to the battle being given the name "Sausage War".
- The Spirit of the Winter War (Kuhmo).
In this sector parts of the 9th Army began their advance in several directions using new tactics. Instead of mounting the offensive in one column, which did not suit the winter roads in the area, the 54th Mountain Rifle Division moved off in five groups. This change of tactics confused the Finns and in the Kuhmo region the situation became threatening. In haste, the 25th Infantry Regiment of the 9th Infantry Division was sent down to Kuhmo to counter the threat...
- The Wild North.
On December 17th, after inflicting heavy losses upon the diminishing enemy forces, the Finns advanced into the peninsula between lakes Särkijärvi and Ägläjärvi.
In this sector the Russians had managed to entrench themselves effectively and this, coupled with strong snowfall, frustrated the Finnish attacks against their positions. After regrouping another assault was launched against the village of Ägläjärvi on December 21st.
- Raate: Road of Death (Suomussalmi-Raate).
Following the heavy and protracted combat in Suomussalmi by units under the command of Colonel Siilasvuo, the 163rd Division was broken up with parts of it forced back to their starting positions. On January 1st, Finnish reconnaissance revealed that elements of the 44th Rifle Division were moving southeast along the Suomussalmi-Raate road. After evaluating their movements and composition the Finns began to encircle the Soviet units, creating several isolated pockets ("motti"). With no knowledge of organising all-round defence and suffering from ammunition and foodstuff supply problems, the Soviet units began to retreat, leaving discarded weapons and equipment in their wake.
- Ragged Ski Track (Kesseli).
On February 17th operations began with the purpose of de-blockading the 54th Mountain Rifle Division which had found itself split up and surrounded at the end of January 1940.
This relief operation, under the command of Group Divisional Commander D.N. Nikishev was not to be a success...
- The Last Border
- Stalin's Hammers (Summa-Hotinen).
The Red Army quickly learnt how to prepare themselves for their decisive assault against the Mannerheim Line. Continuous bombardment by siege artillery and coastal defences seriously weakened the Finnish defensive structures. Throughout much of January, Soviet troops performed reconnaissance in force which frequently developed into bitter skirmishes. As a result of this, the Soviets succeeded in locating the Finnish defensive systems and a majority of the weapon emplacements. These locations were then pounded by direct fire from heavy Soviet guns. With each day that passed the morale of the Finnish soldiers deteriorated as they sat out the bombardments in the bunkers with the knowledge that at any moment the structures could be destroyed by artillery shells or an aircraft delivered bomb. At midnight on February 11th the rifle shots from each side were drowned out by the sound of artillery preparation...
- Ice and Fire (Koivisto).
Simultaneous with the breakthrough of the Mannerheim Line was an assault launched in the direction of the fortress city of Koivisto.
- The Fortress of Viipuri.
The assault on the city of Viipuri began on March 12th. The battle was characterised by persistent and tenacious fighting on both sides. The Finns, desperately hoping to retain their land, bitterly defended each house...
Soviet campaign
- Welcome to Suomi
- The Order to Cross the Border (Khvoyna, Manssila).
TASS Communique, Leningrad, November 30th
"On November 30th, 1939 at 2am in the village of Khvoyna on the northern shore of Lake Ladoga, a group of Finnish soldiers from the village of Manssila (don't confuse with Mainila!) crossed the border and attacked forward elements of the Red Army. The Finns were successfully pushed back over the border with losses."
- Field Testing the KV-1 (Hotinen).
Fortified Finnish region of Hotinen. On the orders of the Leningrad Military District, the experimental tanks SMK, T-100 and KV were taken from their production sites and delivered to the front for field testing.
- First Assault (Suurniemi).
The major defensive position of "Mannerheim Line" at Suurniemi. At the beginning of December 1939, advance units of the RKKA crossed the first Finnish defensive line. RKKA command had incomplete information about the arrangements of many of the newer fortified positions along the "Mannerheim Line". To breakthrough these defences a period of one to two days was estimated in the operational plan due to the overwhelming superiority of the attacking forces...
- Doomed to Defeat
- Rehearsal of a Catastrophe (Lemetti).
The Isthmus between the Onega and Ladoga lakes (from Uomaa to Lemetti). The offensive against the Finnish army groups "Eastern Karelia" (IV Army Corps) and "Northern Karelia" were undertaken by the Eighth Army. The extended columns of Soviet troops and units strung out along the coastal roads came under constant attack and were cut and trapped in numerous small encirclements known as "motti's", with each pocket forced to fight independently with an interest in only saving their own lives...
- Special Ski Squadron "N".
Order from the Commanders-in-Chief of the Kiev and Belorussia Special Military Districts (K. Voroshilov, B. Shaposhnikov): "I order the formation of four ski squadrons to be made up from cavalry units in the region..."
- The Fate of the Surrounded (Suomussalmi).
Directive No.3, issued to the 9th Army on November 24th, prescribed that, on the right wing, the 47th Rifle Corps should press home the attack on Kemijärvi. In the centre, the 163rd Rifle Division was to attack Puolanka via Suomussalmi. The command of the 163rd Division correctly evaluated the importance of Suomussalmi and subjected it to an attack from two sides. However, subsequent events meant that this plan was never realised and the end result was one of the heaviest defeats for the RKKA.
- Voroshilov`s Strike
- February Storm (Summa-Lähde)
5 February, 1940 - 15 February, 1940. After evaluating their performance against the enemies positions in the difficult month of December, the RKKA realised that it had underestimated the Finns and overestimated itself. These conclusions galvanized plans to restore the situation. From the beginning of February the operations of the 7th Army were directed toward Summa and two of the strongest fortifications on the Mannerheim Line - the "Poppius" and "Million" bunkers...
- Ice March (Vyborg's bay).
2 March, 1940. March 2nd 1940.
After the breakthrough of the second Finnish defensive zone (the "Intermediate Line"), the command of the North Western Front made the decision to deliver one final, decisive, assault with the intention of destroying Group Isthmus. This offensive was launched from the Koivisto peninsula and from the adjacent islands through the Gulf of Vyborg and into the deep rear of the Finnish units located around Vyborg with the task to reach the Vyborg-Helsinki road. This group was backed-up with powerful bulldozers which were capable of carving out roads up to three metres wide across the thick ice. The coastal area around Vyborg was witness to heavy fighting as the Russians attempted the delivery of their knock-out blow...
- Clash of Armour.
In desperation the Finns decided to employ their tanks in the field of battle on 26th February 1940. 13 "Vickers" light tanks, proudly formed into the 4th Individual Tank Company, counterattacked the Soviet forces that had broken through the defences between Honkaniemi and Näykkijärvi. Seven of the Finnish tanks, those that had not suffered engine failures and other problems during the march, faced the RKKA 35th Tank Brigade...
- The Final Push: Vyborg!
March 12th - 13th 1940.
The assault on the city of Vyborg began on March 12th. The battle was characterised by persistent and tenacious fighting on both sides. The Finns, desperately hoping to retain as much of their country as possible, vigorously defended each house, fighting right up until the end of hostilities. The forces of the North Western Front, who had estimated two to three days for the capture of the city, fought with equal vigour...